Over 30,000 business professionals trained in 7 countries. Over 500 business professionals coached. Full scale programs for your sales teams or your next national sales meeting. We also offer personal one-on-one coaching for struggling sales reps. Training can be virtual or live at your office. We offer advanced COVID safety protocols when invited to your office. Our staff will always test negative 10 days and 48-hours prior to traveling to your location.
All sales training & coaching programs are custom designed for your business or industry.
Brain Swell Media is the proud founder of the following brands…
Sample agenda and topics for your LIVE day of sales training with Ryan Dohrn. We would prefer to customize a sales training program for your specific needs.
9am-10:30am: PROSPECTING FOR SUCCESS! Creating and Executing Your Big 50 Prospect List. This workshop is all about sales lead generation! Pump up your inbound sales leads by 25-35% in the next 30 days! Prospecting is a dying skill set and it is so important to sales success. Ryan will show how to prospect and handle 50 new clients in the next 30 days. This single workshop alone will change your sales life forever.
10:45-noon: TIME MANAGEMENT MANIA: This is one of Ryan’s most popular workshops! From creating call zones, to time saving email templates, to better using your CRM tools, learn expert tested tips to reclaim 8 hours per week and win more business faster. Ryan will share his top 10 time management tools that will help you boost your personal productivity by 35% in one week!!
1-2p: HOSTING SALES CALLS THAT CLOSE BUSINESS! So You Booked a Meeting… Now What? 10 strategies to deploy and understand to earn business when you have the client’s attention. Learn “the” 10 critical sales questions that move conversations forward. Ryan shares a unique look at the psychology behind advertisers decisions. Close more deals now!
2:15p-3p: HABITS OF SUPER-STAR SALES EXECUTIVES: How to sell more to frazzled clients. Learn tips on reducing risk for the client, prospecting with ease, helping new clients through the sales process, ways to educate them before they buy, what to say to get them 100% on board. Plus, learn why randomness kills your day and your sales goals.
3p-3:30p: ACTION PLAN: Create a simple action plan to use what you learned and put it into practice today!